Textbook Room - first door on left when entering the A Gate (CURRENTLY CLOSED, come to the BHS Library)

Teachers: Need Help Ordering Books? Click here for information!

Nicole Fitzhugh - Textbook Clerk


510 - 644 - 6139

OPEN Mon-Thur 8am-4pm

before school, at lunch and after school at the BHS Library

Clearing Books & Bills

Did you get an email from the library or textbook room saying you have an overdue or lost book?

Here’s what you do:

  1. Bring in the book! Is it at home? Under the bed? In the car? Get a list from the library to help you gather all of your items.

  2. Is it lost? Get a bill from the library. Pay the fine in the Registrar's Office Mon, Wed, or Fri 9 - 4. Have questions about making a payment? Email shaunarabinowitz@berkeley.net or tammyrose@berkeley.net. Show us the receipt in the library as proof of payment.

Need help? Email nicolefitzhugh@berkeley.net